You’re successful. You might even be one of the best. But that’s not enough. You strive for even more. You’re probably thinking:

“I don’t know what I don’t know.”
“I think I have got the wrong person in a key position.”
“Why don’t employees see my vision for the company?”
“I feel like I’ve taken the company as far as I can – and I have no idea what to do next.”
“I feel like I’m a fraud. I’m faking it.”
“The business isn’t as fun as it used to be.”
“I don’t think I can keep working this hard all the time.”
“Who has walked a mile in my shoes and can help me?”

No matter how successful you are today, there’s a gap between where you want to be and where you are today. In reality, we’ve seen that most leaders are feet, not miles away from bridging that gap.

This is the very reason we created 48 Hours – Build the Business of Your Dreams. We will help you answer the questions above and close the gap. You will leave feeling energized and see that you are feet away not miles from your goals. You’ll wonder why you didn’t see it before.

This exclusive program is guaranteed to close the gap and solve the issues you’re facing now and in the future – all in less than 48 hours.

What is The Leadership + Growth Assessment?

We’ve found that consultants are really good at generating reports and touching the right pain points. However, most do not know how to get to the root cause of the issue and inspire real, lasting changing. This change brings the growth that our clients strive for.

You get the benefit of 20 years of experience working with many different clients in different industries and sizes. This process is the culmination of our experience. It is designed to get you to the root cause, solution and action as quick as possible.

The process begins with confidential 1:1 interviews with several of your key people. We will also review any pertinent documentation such as business plans, vision and value statements and reports prepared by consultants (if any). We will also utilize the time-tested and proven DiSC personal profile instrument to help you have a complete view of the people in your organization.

After assessing all information collected, Kirk will prepare to show you the company through his eyes. After Kirk’s preparation is complete, you will spend 48 hours (two full days) with Kirk in beautiful Colorado. Away from distractions and the daily gring, this time is focused 100% on you and your organization. During that time:

  • You will get Kirk’s undivided attention for two full days. This customized 1-on-1 time is about you. It is dedicated to helping you see your company through his eyes.
  • Together you and Kirk will take a deep dive into issues and strategies that will accelerate your learning curve and growth as a CEO and leader. This will result in a clear and actionable growth plan for you and your company.
  • At the end of the two days, you will have a comprehensive plan to tackle the biggest opportunities and issues standing in the way of your growth.
  • You’ll feel great about where your business is going and how you’ll get it there.
  • You will be taken care of from the time you step off the plane in beautiful Denver, Colorado. Meeting location, meals and transportation from the airport and back will be arranged by Dando.
  • Notes, charts, actions items and observations captured throughout the session will be delivered to you within three business days.
  • You will not need to take notes, unless you want to. It will all be captured for you. This way you can focus on listening, reacting, learning and most importantly, growing.
  • You will get two (2), 1-hour phone or video coaching calls with Kirk after you return home and have had time to digest what you heard and learned.
“It was like coming up for air. I saw my company through Dando’s eyes, and I knew exactly what needed to be done. Change is never easy, but the two days we spent with Dando has paid dividends many times over as we’ve grown 6X to over $150 million in sales. I wish we would have done it sooner.”
Rocky Turner, Founder and CEO, LPR Construction
“Dando challenges leaders to take an authentic, eyes-wide-open look at their businesses to avoid common pitfalls.”John P. Mackey, co-CEO, Whole Foods Market
“Dando forced us to confront the brutal facts we had yet to address. He helped me see the specific steps needed to get the right executive talent in place and to get all of our employees pointed in the same strategic direction. The difference in the company is palpable. My confidence in our ability to succeed has shifted from ignorance-is-bliss bravado to faith in our team, our plan, and our ability to execute.”Gabe Krajicek, CEO & Partner, BancVue
“Kirk Dando is like the “company whisperer.” He interviewed me, our executive team, and many of our managers and directors, and quickly synthesized a key area we were under investing in. I was impressed to see him find a blind spot this quickly, and it became a rallying cry for our company. He definitely understands the key challenges you will face as you scale. I was so impressed with Kirk’s work that I asked him to join our Board of Advisors, which I’m glad he accepted.”Brett Hurt, Founder, stealth.world, Coremetrics, Bazaarvoice and Hurt Family Investments

You might be thinking, “This sounds like a fun exercise, but do you really get results?”

Here are some sample results that the 48 Hours process brought to our clients:

  • Putting $705 million in the bank – literally.
  • Taking a small software company to IPO – making the founders (and many employees) millions.
  • Raising $35 million to fund growth.
  • Doubling the headcount of a company in less than 12 months.

More importantly, the non-tangible results are what we are the most proud of:

“I now know what I don’t know.”
“I now have all the right people ‘on the bus.’”
“My employees now see the vision for the company as clear as I do!”
“I know the next steps to take to take my company to another level.”
“Business is fun again!”
“I’ve got an aligned team that allows me to work a lot less. I actually have time to play golf now.”
“I can literally sleep better at night.”
“I get to spend more time with my family.”
“I was having panic attacks. Now, I’m excited for the future for the company.”
“I was really nervous about the future my company. I couldn’t be more thrilled to implement everything I’ve learned.”
“I have a peace of mind and clarity that I have not had in a long time.”

We get this kind of response so often, it has become as predictable as our clients’ success.
You might be thinking that this sounds too good to be true. And the truth is, this process is not for everyone.

This is not for you if…

  • You are looking for the “magic pill” to solve your problems. We’ll give you the steps, but you will have to be dedicated to the hard work that follows.
  • You are a jerk. We firmly believe that great leaders are first and foremost great people.
  • You aren’t willing acknowledge the process is hard. The road to heaven goes through hell. You get to decide if it’s a day trip or a daily trip.
  • You want Dando to do all the work. Don’t worry. We’ll help you. We’ll equip you. But we need you to be fully invested in this process.
  • You think you don’t have the time to dedicate to this process.
  • You are looking for the lowest cost, lowest commitment solution.

Our solution has worked with over 8,000 leaders. It’s no accident, and it’s based on a proven process that you can use, too.

If you’d like to see if 48 Hours to build the business of your dreams is right for you, submit your email and message in the box below, and we’ll get right back to you. We’ll arrange for a call to discuss your business, your needs, your fears, and your goals. From there, we’ll decide together if 48 Hours to build the business of your dreams is a good fit for you.

Spaces for 48 Hours to build the business of your dreams are very limited and may not be available for several months. If we both agree this is a good fit, our team will work with yours to schedule as soon as possible.

Still think this is all too good to be true? At the end of our 48 hours together, you will know your key issues. Together, we will have worked through your goals. We will also have identified a small number action items that are getting in the way of you reaching your goals. You will leave committed to the plan we have created or committed to changing your goals. Your current way of operating will not achieve your desired goals. There will be no confusion.

At the end of our time together, if you don’t think the road map will help you reach your goals and you aren’t wildly enthusiastic about our time together, you get your money back. (We’ve never had anyone ask for their money back – instead, they’ve asked how they can spend more time with Dando.) The only way our advice doesn’t work is if you don’t apply it or, even worse, you try and make it more complicated.

Are you ready for simple information you can apply to grow your business?


What industries is Dando experienced in?
As long as it’s legal, Dando has experience in your sector. While each business has it’s unique challenges, the principles of business and growth are largely the same from sector to sector.

Who gets the most value from this program?
Leaders who are committed to listen and grow. Being a leader is hard work, but it’s worth it. You have to be committed to the process.

Does my company have to be a certain size to benefit from this program?
Dando has provided value to companies ranging from a 50-employee service provider to $1 billion publicly traded companies.

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