48 hours.
Build the business of your dreams. Guaranteed.

Our process allows you to get 1-on-1 time with Kirk Dando and build the business you always knew was possible.

Here’s how we do it:

    1. We’ll meet with you so we fully understand your vision, goals, issues, and concerns.
    2. Next, Dando will spend time interviewing (1:1) key members of your team.
    3. We will review corporate data to get a holistic sense of the company.
    4. After our conversation with you, interviewing key employees, and reviewing other material, we will spend time preparing for one-on-one time with you
    5. We’ll then spend two days – 48 hours – off site together. You’ll get two full days of expert coaching, guidance, and support while we tackle core issues and focus on how you’ll achieve your desired outcome. By the end of our time together, you’ll feel confident about where your business is going and how you’ll get it there. You will have a strategy and completely customized road map.
    6. Most clients choose to come to beautiful, sunny Colorado for the 48 hours. The fresh air, sunshine, and getting away from it all to strategize the growth of your business is often beneficial for our clients. We’ll arrange every detail of the trip from the moment you land – providing you transportation, relaxing accommodations, and even a special welcome gift.

Not convinced? If, at the end or our time together, you aren’t widely ecstatic about our time together, you don’t pay. It’s that simple. 

“It was like coming up for air. I saw my company through Dando’s eyes, and I knew exactly what needed to be done. Change is never easy, but the two days we spent with Dando has paid dividends many times over as we’ve grown 6X to over $150 million in sales. I wish we would have done it sooner.”
Rocky Turner, Founder and CEO, LPR Construction
“Dando challenges leaders to take an authentic, eyes-wide-open look at their businesses to avoid common pitfalls.”John P. Mackey, co-CEO, Whole Foods Market
“Dando forced us to confront the brutal facts we had yet to address. He helped me see the specific steps needed to get the right executive talent in place and to get all of our employees pointed in the same strategic direction. The difference in the company is palpable. My confidence in our ability to succeed has shifted from ignorance-is-bliss bravado to faith in our team, our plan, and our ability to execute.”Gabe Krajicek, CEO & Partner, BancVue
“Kirk Dando is like the “company whisperer.” He interviewed me, our executive team, and many of our managers and directors, and quickly synthesized a key area we were under investing in. I was impressed to see him find a blind spot this quickly, and it became a rallying cry for our company. He definitely understands the key challenges you will face as you scale. I was so impressed with Kirk’s work that I asked him to join our Board of Advisors, which I’m glad he accepted.”Brett Hurt, Founder, stealth.world, Coremetrics, Bazaarvoice and Hurt Family investments