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Unlocking the sense of destiny within your team

TIM HAWKS – PART ONE  Everyone on your team is connecting to something. Some connect to their paycheck. Others connect to a title or their influence. What if you could connect them to their sense of destiny? That’s the challenge and approach our podcast guest, Tim Hawks, takes with his organization. Tim is the head of an organization that inspires over 7,000 people around a common mission, vision and goal. Tim is the head pastor at Hill Country Bible Church in Austin, Texas. Before you stop reading, I encourage you …

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4 steps to find the right mentor

When I was a C‑level executive in a quickly growing company, I felt I was missing something. I didn’t know what I didn’t know. I felt like I had an imposter’s complex. Some days, I would think, “is today the day they figure out that I don’t know what I’m doing?” A lot of executives I work with have the same feeling. They fear they are going to be “found out.” In that fear, many executives start to reach out to mentors and advisors for help. When I reached out …

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Management Framework: what’s your plan to operationalize the strategy?

GENE AUSTIN – FROMER BAZAARVOICE CEO – PART TWO Today, we continue our conversation with Gene Austin, the fromer CEO of Bazaarvoice. In the last episode, Gene talked about the unique aspects of being the CEO of a publicly-traded company. He also talked about the view from the other side of tough decisions. Gene also said he’s the least likely CEO to have a Chief Operating Officer, due to his very operational approach. Today, we discuss how Gene conducts his one-on-ones and the operational cadence he uses to focus the business. …

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Hurry up and make the tough decisions. Lessons from Gene Austin

GENE AUSTIN – CEO – PART ONE We’ve talked to startups, financial institutions, and even dads. What about a company that has graduated from the startup stage to being publicly traded? How is this different? How is this the same? If you were ever curious about how managing and leading a company changes as it grows, this episode is for you. Today’s guest is Gene Austin, the former CEO of Bazaarvoice and current CEO of Quorum Software. If you’ve shopped online, you have probably used Bazaarvoice and didn’t know it. Bazaarvoice is behind many …