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Velocity Vector (Part 5): The Anatomy of Growth – 12 Warning Signs of Success

It’s true. NOTHING KILLS FASTER THAN SUCCESS. That’s because success has a way of masking the issues that rob an organization of its full potential. Every healthy business matures through 3 distinct stages of growth with different characteristics and problems at each stage. If you are successful, you will grow yourself into problems. As a leader, it’s your responsibility to know which stage of growth your organization is in. You must be able to predict and prepare for the journey ahead so you don’t stall out – or worse. In …

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Velocity Vector (Part 4): Decision Velocity – What is it and why is it so elusive?

The goal of the Velocity Vector is to provide you with a framework and the mindset needed to achieve Decision Velocity. Although Decision Velocity sounds provocative and like something you should have, what is Decision Velocity? More importantly, why is it the unspoken goal of every leader, yet so elusive?  If you’ve been following our series on the Velocity Vector, we’ve talked about Clarity, Informed Decisions, and Alignment. You might have been nodding your head in agreement during the episodes.  But what happens when keeping your promises and achieving your …

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Velocity Vector (Part 3): The Tension Between Alignment and Speed

One of the top five things I’ve heard over the last 25 years when I start working with a CEO and their team is, “We are not aligned,” or “We want to be better aligned.” Why does it matter? More importantly, are you, your team, and the organization aligned? If you’re not as aligned as you want to be, what would be different? What problems would it solve or how would your life be improved? This episode of the For You Leaders podcast is all about alignment: why and how …